Course Overview
Dieting Detox - 7 Day Healthy Living jumpstart
How many different diets have you started in your lifetime? In the New Year? Every Monday? It's time to stop dieting and time to start living! Each body is different. What works for one person won't necessarily work for another. Start where you are. You don't need to make this bigger than it needs to be. Today is a new day. The Dieting Detox -7 Day Healthy Living Jumpstart takes you out of diet mode and into healthy living with practical tools, information and recipes. Yes, you will be eating whole, good for you food. Healthy does not mean boring! Let's get started!
Eat Your colors game
Healthy living made fun! When eating a variety of fruits and vegetables every day, you ensure that you're getting a full spectrum of protective nutrients. The Eat Your Colors Game ensures you are getting the nutrients your body needs; especially for those picky eaters! It is perfect to have your little ones try new foods. This game is fun for the whole family no matter the age.