Let's Talk Food and Emotions
I always start off my Wellness public speaking events with the following question, see if it resonates with you:
When you were a child and you got hurt or someone was mean to you causing you to cry. You go inside and your mom, dad or grandparent would say, "Here, have a cookie (or some other food)."
Now here you are, an adult. What happens when something negative happens be it a break up, loss of job, etc.? Do you reach for a pint of ice cream or a package of cookies and eat all of it? You would be surprised how many hands shoot up. You are not alone. Many people associate food with their emotions.
Do you eat when you are happy?
Do you eat when you are lonely?
Do you eat when you are bored?
Do you eat when you are anxious/depressed?
How do you deal with negative emotions? Do you turn to junk food, alcohol, sweets, etc. or do you journal, exercise and eat healthy food? The sooner you realize your behaviors, the sooner you can live a healthier life. What food/emotion cycle are you in? Contact me today to help you live a healthier life in mind, body, spirit!