Rediscovering Yourself (and Each Other) in the Empty Nest

So, the kids are out of the house. You’ve just dropped them off at college or maybe watched them move into their own place, and now you’re home eerily quiet house. What now? Before you start rearranging their old rooms (or booking a vacation), take a deep breath. This is a time of transformation—not just for them, but for you too! It’s time to rediscover yourself, your partner, and the things that make life exciting.

1. Embrace the Silence (and the Space): Remember all those times you wished for a moment of peace? Well, you got it! Now’s the time to enjoy the silence. Turn the empty rooms into spaces you’ve always wanted—a cozy reading nook, a hobby room, or even a mini home gym. The possibilities are endless. This is your space now; fill it with things that bring you joy.

2. Rekindle the Romance: Without the kids’ schedules dictating your every move, it’s the perfect time to reconnect with your partner. Plan date nights, weekend getaways, or just enjoy uninterrupted dinners together. Try new activities as a couple—dancing classes, cooking new recipes, or even just binge-watching a series together. It’s all about having fun and rediscovering what made you fall in love in the first place.

3. Reignite Your Passions: What did you love doing before kids? Was it painting, hiking, or maybe writing? Now’s the time to dive back into those passions—or explore new ones! Sign up for that pottery class, take those photography lessons, or start that garden you’ve always dreamed of. This is your time to explore, create, and grow.

4. Foster New Connections: Empty nest doesn’t mean empty social life. Reconnect with old friends or make new ones. Join clubs, volunteer, or even consider hosting a monthly dinner party. Building a community around you can make this transition not only easier but a lot more fun.

5. Reflect and Set New Goals: Take a moment to reflect on your journey. Parenting has been a big part of your life, but now it’s time to think about what you want to achieve in this new chapter. Whether it’s personal, professional, or even spiritual goals, setting new intentions can be incredibly fulfilling.

6. Travel and Explore: The world is your oyster! Without school schedules to work around, you can finally take those trips you’ve been dreaming of. Whether it’s a quick weekend getaway or a month-long adventure abroad, traveling is a fantastic way to rediscover yourself and create new memories with your partner.

7. Enjoy the Freedom: Remember, this is your time to be a little selfish—in the best way possible. Sleep in, take long baths, walk around the house naked, or eat breakfast for dinner if you want. The beauty of this stage is the freedom it brings. Embrace it fully!

The empty nest stage is a wonderful opportunity to rediscover yourself and your partner. It’s a time to reignite passions, create new memories, and enjoy the freedom you’ve earned. So, let’s toast to new beginnings and all the exciting adventures that lie ahead!

Are you a new empty nester or seasoned? What tips would you add?