Breaking Free: How to Stop Repeating Old Patterns & Start Living Big

You know that feeling when you realize you’re stuck in the same cycle—again? Maybe it’s people-pleasing your way into exhaustion, playing small even when you know you deserve more, or constantly chasing some mythical “better” version of yourself (as if you’re a bad iOS update that needs fixing).

Yeah, it’s exhausting. And honestly? It’s time to break the cycle.

Let’s talk about how to recognize those sneaky patterns, shake them off, and step into the bold, joyful, authentic version of you that’s been waiting in the wings.

Step 1: Call It Out Like It’s That Ex Who Still Texts “Hey”

First things first: You have to notice the pattern. Are you always the one bending over backward to keep the peace? Do you sabotage your own success because stepping into your full power feels scary? Are you constantly convincing yourself that you need to do more to be worthy?

Once you recognize the pattern, you can’t unsee it. And that’s a good thing. Now you can start asking:

Where did this come from? (Spoiler: It probably started way back when you learned that being "nice" or "perfect" earned you love and approval.)
Is this actually helping me? (No. Next question.)
What would my life look like if I let this go? (Cue the main character energy.)

Step 2: Rewrite the Script (Because You’re the Author Here)

The old script says:

  • “I have to make everyone happy.”

  • “If I don’t work harder, I’m not enough.”

  • “I should stay in my comfort zone because growth is scary.”

The new script says:

  • “I am not responsible for other people’s emotions.”

  • “I am already enough, just as I am.”

  • “Growth might be scary, but I’m more afraid of staying stuck.”

Start replacing those old thoughts with new, empowering ones. It’ll feel weird at first (like switching from skinny jeans to wide-leg pants), but trust the process.

Step 3: Start Acting Like the Person Who’s Already Free

Now, here’s where the magic happens. If you want to stop repeating old patterns, you have to start making new choices.

Practice disappointing people (Yes, really.) Saying no to things that drain you is an act of self-care.
Take up space—physically, emotionally, energetically. No more shrinking to make others comfortable.
Celebrate small wins instead of constantly chasing the next achievement like it’s a Pokémon.
Trust that you are worthy right now, not “once you lose 10 pounds” or “once you get that promotion.”

Final Thoughts: You Are Not a Work in Progress, You Are a Masterpiece in Motion

Listen, you don’t need to become better. You don’t need to earn your worthiness. You don’t need to be the one holding everything together for everyone.

You just need to show up for yourself, break the patterns that keep you stuck, and remind yourself daily:

🔥 You are enough.
🔥 You are worthy of joy.
🔥 You are allowed to take up space and live fully.

Now go forth and be your unapologetic, pattern-breaking self. The world needs the real you. 💖

Want to dig deeper into this? Let’s chat! Book a free discovery call and let’s create a path forward—one where you’re finally free from the patterns holding you back. Click here to book!

Break Free


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